Thursday, February 17, 2011

Food Photography

One crafty hobby I never got into was baking. I've dabbled in the past but unfortunately sweets is not my thing. Therefore, I've nixed it out. But, my talented friend P.C. is excellent with baking delectable sweet goods! She's petitioned me to take some photographs for her blog. I wanted to showcase some of her goods. See her blog for more yummy goodness :)

Carrot cupcake with cream cheese frosting

Cranberry granola cookie

Chocolate cupcake

Double decker carrot cupcake with cream cheese frosting

Chocolate cookie with white chocolate chips

This is my first attempt at food photography and PC and I spent some fun times trying out different plates! Let me know what you guys think :)


  1. chocolate cookies and cupcakesss
    save me someeee

  2. the pictures came out nice. i espeically like the ingredients spread around the goods. nice touch.

  3. I WANT SOME!!esp carrot cupcake

  4. omg...i JUST started browsing this amazing blog of yours & then i got caught on this cupcake/cookie post!! I wanted to keep scrolling down but i caught myself strolling back up and down to lust over the carrot cake..sandwiched frosting and granola cookie...DROOOL
